- The official language is English. No translation will be provided.
- All speakers should upload their presentations on a computer in the lecture room before the start of the first morning session, during the lunch break or during the coffee break at the latest.
- Please use an USB memory stick to provide your presentation. CRYOGENICS 2023 doesn´t allow the use of speakers’ own laptops for their presentations.
- CRYOGENICS 2023 accepts only presentation material in MS PowerPoint format (16:9).
- If you want to check your presentation before your lecture, don´t hesitate to contact conference assistants in the lecture hall, they are ready to help you.
- All speakers are requested to register in time to receive their badges and other conference materials.
Each presenter has 15 minutes for his/her lecture and 3 minutes for a discussion.
(18 minutes for each presentation + 2 minutes for changing presenters)
Due to software compatibility and internet connection of the laptop in the lecture hall please avoid to use any external links during your presentation (link to a web page, Youtube,…)
There will be discussion immediately after the lectures; also a common discussion can take place when all papers scheduled for the session have been presented. All presenters are thus requested to remain for the entire session.
When it is time for your lecture, go to the podium immediately when the previous speaker has finished the presentation and answered questions. The session chair will introduce your lecture and ask you to start your presentation.
Please start your presentation considering the following:
1. Start immediately on the topic and avoid another introduction given by yourself.
2. Pace your talk to end at the scheduled ending time.
3. Please observe the time allocated for your presentation and discussion.
4. Please follow instructions of the session chairman.
5. During the time for discussion, listen carefully to the questions from the audience and answer them briefly. If you cannot answer the questions briefly, ask for a private discussion after the session.
Publication of Presentations on the Web Page
We kindly ask all presenting authors to send us their Power Point presentation after it has been presented.
This is of course not mandatory, but welcome for participants.
You can shorten the presentation for publication or leave it as you presented. This is entirely up to you.
The presentation will not be posted publicly, but will only be accessible to registered participants who will be given an access password.
Please use the form below.
Poster Presentations
- All authors are asked to display their poster presentations within the whole conference time, from Tuesday till Thursday.
- The special poster session is allocated in the programme on Wednesday late afternoon.
- Please display your presentations on Tuesday as soon as possible after your registration on site,
and take your posters down from poster tables on Thursday after the closing ceremony at the latest.
Posters that are not dismounted will be removed by staff and discarded.
- Please note, that it is not possible to print out your poster on site at the hotel.
- A0 format (841 x 1189 mm = portrait) is recommended.
Presentation Submission